Marina Prudenskaya's work is
characterized by numerous
collaborations with directors and conductors.
An alphabetical list can be found here.
A series of CD and DVD recordings
document the versatile artistic work of
Marina Prudenskaya
Die in St. Petersburg geborene Mezzosopransängerin Marina Prudenskaya startete ihre Karriere im Anschluss an ihr Gesangstudium am staatl. Rimsky-Korsakov-Konservatorium St. Petersburg am Stanislawskij-Opernhaus in Moskau. 2000 startete sie als Ensemblemitglied ihre internationale Karriere von der Staatsoper Nürnberg, wechselte dann zur Deutschen Oper Berlin, zur Staatsoper Stuttgart und ist seit der Spielzeit 2013/14 bis heute als Mitglied des Ensembles an der Staatsoper Berlin zu erleben. Zahlreiche Gastengagements u.a. bei den Festspielen in Aix-en-Provence und in Bayreuth sowie an zahlreichen europäischen Opernhäusern wie der Mailänder Scala, der Washington National Opera, dem Teatro Real, Madrid, Royal Opera House, London,...
Born in St. Petersburg, mezzo-soprano Marina Prudenskaya began her career at the Stanislavsky Opera House in Moscow following her vocal studies at the St. Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory. In 2000 she started her international career as an ensemble member from the Nuremberg State Opera, then moved to the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Stuttgart State Opera and since the 2013/14 season until today she can be experienced as a member of the ensemble at the Berlin State Opera. Numerous guest engagements, including at the Aix-en-Provence Festival and in Bayreuth, as well as at numerous European opera houses such as La Scala, Milan, Washington National Opera, Teatro Real, Madrid, Royal Opera House, London,...